вторник, 20 май 2014 г.

The Big Start | Walt Disney

Walt Disney

     As we all know Walt Disley is an innivator in the entertainment industry. His career started as an animator, who gave life to Mickey Mause and his friends which gift smiles to the people all over the world. Disney tries to direct and produce films, writes scenarios and he is also an entrepreneur.


    One of his best ideas was born due to his disare for a place where the whole family could enjoy. Disappointed with the lack of clean and spacious parks, he decided to open his own one. He spent five years to create Disneyland. What Walt said to Herb Ryman (who created the first drawing of Disneyland presented to the Bank of Amerika) was "Herbie, I just want it to look like nothing else in the world. And it should be surrounded by a train". Entertaining his daughters and their friends in his backyard and taking them for a rides on his Carolwood Pacific Railroad had inspired Disney to include a railroad in the plans for Disneyland.

Walt Disney's quote "If you can dream about something, then you can do it".

P.S. The information has been taken from Junior Achievment Bulgaria's presentation and wikipedia.

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