петък, 3 юли 2015 г.

Summer Lady

It is summer guys!  Still can't believe it. Since it is summer it is time for wardrobe renewing. But what are the new trends, how to be stunning when you go out and make other people rumor about your look. Here comes the Little Stylish Lady. In this article you will find some inspiring looks for the summer. Hope you get inspired. 
1. Casual look
This outfit is perfect for everyday because it still looks sophisticated but is also comfortable. What you need is high-wasted shorts, top ( if you have thin wast I would recommend thigh-fitted top) and for the short girls you should know that high-wasted pants will make you look taller! For the shoes I would put these one 
 as they will be top trend this summer - back in 30 BC, Cleopatra's style. So remember roman sandals!

2. Day to night outfit 
Comfy shirt, ripped knee jeans, small sophisticated bag and louboutin's classic high heels for this summer, can't describe it any better. Simple and classy, ideal for some work during the day and lite night party. 

3. The real lady like outfit 

Sophisticated and sexy in one! Can't think of better example than the Duchess of Cambridge. If you want to look  busily but still fashionable, follow her style, you won't make a mistake.

Looking forward for you suggestions in the comments.

четвъртък, 11 септември 2014 г.

Дяволското гърло

        Да ,знам лятото вече си отиде, но това не означава, че трябва да се затрупаме с работа. За да не ни липсва лятото е добре да намираме време за почивка и през годината. А защо да не  прекараме това време със семейството си? Е, аз имам една идея, която се надявам да разнообрази почивния ви ден.
        Дяволското гърло! Малко страшно звучи, нали? Но няма нищо страшно, а единствено величието на природата. 
       Дяволското гърло е пещера, която се намира в югозападна България, близо до село Триград. Основната й част е заета от огромна зала, в която се намира най-големият подземен водопад на Балканския полуостров. Сигурно вече сте любопитни от къде идва страшното наименование на тази пещера. През 1968 година е било най-голямото наводнение в региона. Реката завлича със себе си 300 кубика дървен материал, който е отнесен до пещерата. Хората чакат на изхода в продължение на дни, но от изхода не излиза нито една треска. След това са правени много опити с различни предмети но до ден днешен нищо не е излязло от изхода на пещерата. А когато решили да пусната боя по течението, оцветената вода се появила, но едва след 2 часа, което означава, че реката е изминала разстояние под земя повече от 25 километра. Слад този опит двама млади водолази се опитват да проследят пътя на мистериозната река, но за съжаление намират смъртта си там. Камери с GPS също са пускани в реката, но те потъват и сигналът се изгубва. Мистерията остава неразгадана!
Не забравяйте, че ще ви трябват удобни обувки,
които може да изцапате.


После имах възможността да изям тази красавица.
Да на забравяме десерта, който е буквално на една ръка разстояние,
когато сте в гората.


четвъртък, 22 май 2014 г.

A book review | The fault in our stars

     Yes! Yes! Yes! I did read it. It was beautiful! I even cried. And there is less than a month left untill the film premiere!
     To be honest I did not bought the book myself. It was a present for my birthday. Recently I was wondering if I shoud buy the book because I knew that this was a story about the death. But the day after my birthday I started reading it and till the end of the day I have already read it.
     At the beginning it was a little bit boring but then came the bad part and I cried ( I usually cry when I am reading this kind of books). My expectations what was going to happen were completely different from the way it ended.  I was shocked! And NO I am not going to resume the plot because I think that most of you know what it is about.
     I liked this book because it was not from one of those preprinted love stories. It was somethig that can touch your heart and you can whispere "WOW!". But you know that the story is a fantasy and not based on a real event which I liked. I love reading fantasy and historical novels and I do not like when these two genres are mixed. I want to be shure if I am reading a fantasy story and a historical facts! That is why I love and recommend you this book.

My favorite quotes from the book:

"Some people do not understand the promise they are making when thay make them."
"Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway."

"The world is not wish-granding factory."

“Without pain, how could we know joy?' This is an old argument in the field of thinking about suffering and its stupidity and lack of sophistication could be plumbed for centuries but suffice it to say that the existence of broccoli does not, in any way, affect the taste of chocolate.”

вторник, 20 май 2014 г.

The Big Start | Walt Disney

Walt Disney

     As we all know Walt Disley is an innivator in the entertainment industry. His career started as an animator, who gave life to Mickey Mause and his friends which gift smiles to the people all over the world. Disney tries to direct and produce films, writes scenarios and he is also an entrepreneur.


    One of his best ideas was born due to his disare for a place where the whole family could enjoy. Disappointed with the lack of clean and spacious parks, he decided to open his own one. He spent five years to create Disneyland. What Walt said to Herb Ryman (who created the first drawing of Disneyland presented to the Bank of Amerika) was "Herbie, I just want it to look like nothing else in the world. And it should be surrounded by a train". Entertaining his daughters and their friends in his backyard and taking them for a rides on his Carolwood Pacific Railroad had inspired Disney to include a railroad in the plans for Disneyland.

Walt Disney's quote "If you can dream about something, then you can do it".

P.S. The information has been taken from Junior Achievment Bulgaria's presentation and wikipedia.

понеделник, 19 май 2014 г.

The Big Start | Coco Chanel


    As a girl who is into fashion I can not miss the one and only Gabrielle Chanel. I am sure she is an inspiration for every disigner after her age. But this is not gonna be a post about her life. I wanted to folllow the way she started her career. Of courese it is a big deal to continue the life work of such an innovative person but this maight be another post.

The Coco Chanel era (1909-1920)

    The first step Coco took was to open a small milinery shop. At that time the french rich men used to display their wealth on their mistesses. As a smart woman she saw the opportunity to sell them her products. Thus she made some money and with the help of a wealthy man she opened her first independant shop(Chanel Models). Two years later her shops offered for sale sports clothes for women. Coco also opened a large dress shop near hotel Ritz in Paris. Gabrielle used a jersey cloth for some of the garments that she made and some of the designes derived from the military uniform of the First World War. Almost 10 years after she had opened her first shop, a magazine (Harper's Bazaar) spreaded her fame by saying that the garments she had  created were "on the list of every bayer". After the First World War, Chanel designed beaded dresses and woman's suit of clothes. Sooner she commissioned the perfumer Beaux to create a perfume for the Hause of Chanel - Chanel №5 ( name after the number of the sample Coco liked best). 

      So this was the rise of Coco Chanel. I am surprised how a woman managed to do this all alone ( she was an orphan) at a hard period of time for the whole world. It was not easy I agree with this, she was even a mistess but I can forgive her about that because that was the path for her to show that mignificent talent to the world.
      I want to end this post with something Chanel said "Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable." 
P.S. Totally agree with you Coco!

The Big Start

      No....no, calm down this is not a post about the BIG BANG :)
      I bet that everyone of you have ever felt uninspired and wanting to quit evetyone and everything around you. And ..... here come the role models. These people who you see on the TV screen, surrounded by all those bling. But some of them were not born stars, they had to pass through a long and difficult way to reach the top where they are sitting now, waving to you and absorbing all the applause you gift them.
      I do not know if it would be interesting for you but I found it really entertaining to understand how the people who seem untouchable have started their career, to learn from all the mistakes they have done and follow all the right steps they have taken. 
      Reading their stories inspires me in some way. This is why I desided to start the rubric "The Big Start". Here I wanted to share with you the beginnig, the bottom, the really start of some celebrities. So keep watching for the first post of the rubric. Hope you enjoy it!